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Batimat apartments are of a high standard with brand new interior which will make our guests feel comfortable and satisfied.
You can choose between two types of apartments:

Both types of apartments are luxuriously furnished and equipped. They have air conditioning, flat-screen TV, satellite dish, modern furniture and a kitchen with all necessary accessories (cutlery, refrigerator, freezer, toaster, coffee maker…).



Batimat apartments are of a high standard with brand new interior which will make our guests feel comfortable and satisfied. Apartments 5+2 extend through two floors. On the first floor there is a living room, kitchen with dining room, bathroom and terrace. On the second floor there are three bedrooms and a bathroom.
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Batimat apartments are of a high standard with brand new interior which will make our guests feel comfortable and satisfied.
Apartments 2+2 are located on the ground floor and includes a living room that includes a kitchen with dining room, bedroom, bathroom and terrace.

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Apartment 2+2 for disabled

Batimat apartments are of a high standard with a brand new interior which will make our guests feel comfortable and satisfied. Apartment for disabled is fully adapted for people with disabilities. It is located on the ground floor and includes a living room that includes a kitchen and dining room, bedroom, bathroom and terrace.
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The available dates for the reservation as well as the reservation itself are of an informative nature. Within 24 hours Batimat staff will contact you via the email you provided!